By Esther Lastoria



Esther Lastoria was born in Medford, MA in 1956. Even when she was young, she had the ability to see things differently. In 1963 she had started to accumulate awards such as, First Prize at the Boston Archdiocese Art Fair and received the Fra Angelica award at a special award ceremony at Boston College. She also had an article published about her in the Medford Mercury newspaper in 1963 and 1965. In 1965 she did it again at the Boston Archdiocese Art Fair by pulling another First Place Prize and again receiving the Fra Angelica award at Boston College.

Esther went to The Boston Museum of Fine Arts and took drawing classes at night from September 1983 to December 1983. She then became enrolled at Boston University School of Art for four months from September 1984 to December 1984. During her classes at BU she did nude drawing and sculpture.

In 1993 she received Honorable Mention for "Love You" at the 26th Annual Juried Art Show, sponsored by the Plymouth Guild for the Arts. She has been involved with many shows under consignment as well as other Plymouth Guild for the Arts Shows. As per the request of the National Geographic magazine, Esther created a Mosaic Collage piece, titled "Infinite Cat" for them.  It was published in the December 1997, Behind the Scenes section of the magazine, "Art for Our Sake". After Esther was published she created more pieces of her work. Esther was granted a US Utility Patent, in the hopes it could be more widely used in the future. She also had a write up in the Boston Globe for the "Infinite Cat" by Susan Bickelhaupt for Names and Faces on December 29, 1997. Another article and picture published in the Old Colony in "Milestones" on December 11, 1997.